One Team.
One Mission.
One Force. 
Sometimes, going back to basics helps you get ahead. And that was the case with One Force: Reloaded. 
Client: Singapore Air Force
Campaign: One Force: Reloaded
One Force 2014 cemented the RSAF's position as the most desirable armed force with recruitment numbers. 
Our next step was to communicate their sole purpose for existence. Again. But in a way that the public could relate to today. 
The answer is peace. And our commercial connected the dots between peace and recruitment. 
Our print ads focused on how RSAF roles part to play in securing peace.
And our game app let youth experience these roles first-hand. 
The result: We reached our client's recruitment numbers for the year in just 3 months.
Creatives: Pradeep D'Souza, Thomas Yang, Neil Johnson, Malcolm Wee, Edwin Leong 

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